Manage Your Mind by Gilliam Butler, Tony Hope
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читать дальшеCognitive therapy
3 key principles:
- understanding the way you see things. Your perspective affects both how you feel and what you do.
- understanding how mood and thought are linked: change the one and you also change the other.
- learning how to work on your thoughts and beliefs.
Principle 3. Working on your thoughts and beliefs
Step1. Identify the problematic thoughts. The thought record.
Situation (sitting home after work) Feelings (depressed, lonely) Thoughts (I'm all on my own.)
13 Kinds of Crooked Thinking
1. Catastrophizing mine)
Predicting the worst outcome. Every twinge is a sign of serious illness, every frown a sign of rejection.
"If I make a mistake, I will lose my job."
2. Overgeneralizing
Assuming that because something happened once, this means it will always happen.
"I never seem to say the right thing."
3. Exaggerating yeh gods, so true)
Giving negative events more importance that they really deserve, and positive events less importance.
"The way I look, nobody could take me seriously. People never enjoy being with me because I'm too shy."
4. Discounting the positive oh yes, baby))
Rejecting good things as if they did not count (or using a negative filter).
"It's just that I was lucky." "What, this old thing? I bought it at a garage sale."
5. Mind reading this is luv)
Believing that you know what others are thinking.
"They all thought I was stupid."
6. Predicting the future
"Everything is bound to go wrong."
7. Black and white thinking
Switching from one extreme to another.
"One mistake ruined the whole thing."
8. Taking things personally yum yum
"The waiter just ignores me."
9. Taking the blame all times' favourite, heh?
"It's all my fault." "Sorry."
10. Emotional reasoning
Mistaking feelings for facts.
"I'm so worried, I know something is going to go wrong."
11. Name calling yeah, I'll take two.
"I'm an idiot."
12. Scare mongering *nods* love it
"What if the car breaks down?"
13. Wishful thinking and who doesn't love it?)
Supposing things would be better if they were different.
"If only I were... smarter.."
Step2. Look for other perspectives. The alternative diary.
Thoughts (I've made the wrong decision.) Alternative point of view (It seemed the right one at the time. It's too soon to tell. I probably think that because I feel so bad.)
в связи со всеми этими заморочками мне стало интересно.
я выросла в среде, где, как говорится, problematic thoughts are encouraged. все эти "обзывания", "запугивания", "не сглазь" - это все из детства и привычно настолько, что кажется легче с этим жить, чем избавляться от этого. это - культурное? поживя за границей, я могу сказать, что здесь этого меньше. другая культура? или другая политика государства? понятно, что запуганным народом управлять легче, но ведь жизнь от этого лучше не станет.
ЗЫ разгребаю завалы в кладовке в связи с переездом. видимо, завалы в мозгах машинально тоже разгружаются) в-общем, лечим голову, народ)